Chapter 0027: Plotting (Seeking more recommendations, favorites!)

" escaped, didn't you?"

Catherine's voice became sharp: "I don't know how you saved you know how important she is to me!?"

It seemed that this 'witch' couldn't fully control the shadow to monitor in real time.

Su Lu sighed inwardly, but anger expressed on his face: "This is not the reason why you tried to murder Beryl before. You want to put the blame on me...and, you launched another attack last night. I will take this as a declaration of war against me and the forces behind me! "

Don't think I'm alone. I also have backers.

Su Lu, who comes from a family of Demon Hunters, thought to himself optimistically.

"The attack last precisely why I'm here to talk to you today!" Catherine looked at Su Lu: "Where did you get the Gulam Text? You must know that fools often covet things that don't belong to them, bringing disaster."

'She knew about it after all...'

Su Lu sighed inwardly.

That little fool Moli, as expected, snitched as soon as she returned.