Chapter 0029: Director

"Who is the director of my university that I'm supposed to meet?"

Su Lu asked Donald as they strolled through the campus.

"Lime Wench. A prominent factory owner in Nia City. He is a university director and has significant influence within the city. Of course... he is also a devout follower of the Goddess of Light!"

Donald replied.

Meaning, through him, we could get connected with the higher-ups in the church and the police station.

Moreover, a person in such high position must be aware of some knowledge in the Transcendent world; he wouldn't assume that I'm joking.

Su Lu nodded: "Very well, we..."

Suddenly, he paused as he saw two people in police uniforms approaching them.

"Su Lu Pottery!"

The lady who was fronting, nailed and efficient, turned out to be Police Officer Marilyn!

"Hello, officer. How may I assist you?" Su Lu responded with a smile.