Chapter 0032: Arrival

The sun was shining brightly as Su Lu got out of bed and stretched lazily after freshening up.

Ever since he saw the elimination of the hidden enemy, he was suddenely at ease and had slept soundly until the break of day.

Stepping out of his bedroom, he saw Sean again.

Sean was sitting on the couch eating a sandwich. Upon seeing Su Lu, he immediately stood up, "Hey... Su Lu, there is something I wanted to tell you!"

"What is it?"

Su Lu gave him a sidelong glance, sat down, and started eating the breakfast waiting for him on the table without any reservations.

"It's about the argument the day before yesterday, I've thought it through... my attitude might have been wrong, and I want to apologize to you!" Sean said sincerely.


Su Lu paused eating his sandwich and stared at Sean, seeing the sincerity in his expression.

Had the hint or other manipulation been undone? Because of the death of the manipulator?