Chapter 0044: Taking Office

This evil spirit seemed to possess an extremely strange ability.

Not only could it penetrate through solid walls, but its hands also held an eerie power that left [Demon Hunter] Rod unable to break free.

Just a few seconds later, his eyes began to turn bloodshot, this was definitely not normal - he was being 'corroded' by an extraordinary ability!

In the midst of struggle, Rod's right hand suddenly dropped, pulling out a metal tube from his waist, he swiftly opened it, splashing the liquid inside onto the hands clutching his neck.


A burst of light exploded.

The warm and genial liquid imbued with the power of light fell onto the semi-transparent palm of the evil spirit, immediately emitting a hissing sound as a large amount of white smoke rose.

Holy Light Water! An extraordinary item created by the Goddess of Light Church, it has miraculous effects on resentful spirits!

The hands almost melted under the light and swiftly withdrew into the wall.