Chapter 0058: Annihilation

Warehouse No.2.

The door opened itself to reveal a large space inside.

Both Rod and Su Lu walked in together, alertly.

There were still many blocks of ice around, with wisps of white air spreading and rolling on the ground.

"Rod, you broke your promise!"

A hoarse voice came from the depths, "We asked for you alone to come!"

"I brought my brother with me, he isn't an outsider!"

Rod loudly stated, his words echoing continuously in the warehouse.


Green flames suddenly ignited in the corner. Under the eerie light, two people walked out of the darkness, holding a hostage with a burlap bag over his head, "Did you come to negotiate?"

"Release Sean now! He knows nothing about this!"

Su Lu played the role of an irritable younger brother quite well, shouting loudly.
