Chapter 0075 Mysterious Scholar

[Consume 400 experience points to take office as a Mystical Scholar... Detecting that the profession requires a preconditioning profession: Spiritual Medium, Spirit 2.5, Soul Trance LV2!... Conditions met! Start promotion!]

In the attribute column, 400 experience points were rapidly consumed.

Su Lu let out a stifled groan, his soul seemed to lose contact with his body for a moment, leaving his brain in chaos.

The second-tier occupational persons, also known as the elite, means that among ordinary Transcendents, they have begun to excel and become the elite of their kind!

If promoted normally, a [Spiritual Medium] would need at least a year of continuous exploration of the Spirit World, resolving a large number of supernatural events, ingesting various potions, performing rituals to enhance the spirit, practicing skills, and engaging in arduous study of various mysterious knowledge to barely reach the promotion threshold of [Mystical Scholar].