Chapter 0083: Promotion (Seeking Collections! Recommendations!)

The target he chose was naturally the evil spirit possessed by Gerald's subordinate who controlled the Beak Monster last night.

His adversary is dangerous!

And also very mad, he has a grudge against him, removing him is a matter of justice, in addition, he can reap a lot of experience points!

'Of course... after obtaining experience points, I can't rush to advance my professional rank, but I should focus on skills, passives, and attributes... this is not only a prerequisite for many professional rank promotions, but also because of the rule of experience point penalties!'

Su Lu found that the lower his own rank, the more experience he gained when challenging those of equal strength or slightly inferior, or even stronger.

Once he raised his Professional Rank, the experience gained would be drastically reduced.

By now, perhaps slaughtering ordinary people wouldn't bring him much benefit.