Chapter 0091: Joining (Seeking Collections! Recommendations!)

Cecilia is very outgoing.

After his conversation with her, Su Lu has learned about the overall situation of the Green Tree Castle Laboratory.

It covers several dozen hectares, divided across different sections within Green Tree Castle City. With more than seven thousand employees, the entire city almost serves it - it's an impressive operation indeed.

Even more, Su Lu found out that these are just the 'outer layers' of the lab!

The true core of the Green Tree Castle Laboratory undoubtedly takes on a lot of mysterious research tasks.

Of course, those aren't something that he can look into at the current moment.

The management system isn't a one-person show. Instead, it uses a joint committee as the main body to oversee research progress and unified resource scheduling.

This committee, nicknamed the 'Green Tree Council,' consists of nine seats, each held by a distinguished scientist.