Chapter 0143: Kelington (2600 supplement, four more ask for monthly tickets!)

Half a month later, Collington Manor.

The Kelington Family started their wealth through livestock farming, and the current master of the manor is Lukas Kelington, a man obsessively fascinated with noble etiquette.

He adored extravagant clothes, exquisite food, and loved throwing grand parties in the manor. With rigorous standards, he required both himself and his servants to act sophisticatedly, seemingly in hopes of scrubbing away his nouveau riche image and breaking into the Federation's social elite.

But half a year ago, Lukas ran into trouble.

An evil spirit from his dreams came for him. According to him, in his nightmares, there was always this evil spirit chasing him, depriving him of peaceful sleep.

Of course, it was just that.

Regardless of which doctor he saw, none could free him from this torment.

This situation persisted until three months ago when a series of bloody incidents occurred in the manor. The victims were not humans, but animals!