Chapter 0173: Division (Extra 4400, 4 updates per night, asking for monthly tickets)

"According to the records, anyone who enters this old house is definitely going to be cursed…"

A man cloaked in a black cape, from the Dark Eagle Alliance, said in horror.

"'Vulture' Joen, are you afraid?"

Roderick had returned at this point, a sinister smile on his face, his eyes glowing crimson, "If you're afraid then don't go in…"

"Anyone chased away by a mere Ten-fist Association is not worth talking to!"

Joen coldly retorted.


Roderick was so infuriated that he was momentarily lost for words.

Su Lu, who had just arrived, frowned as well.

This Dark Eagle Alliance really had a knack for making enemies.


Bishop Hughes said coldly, "Although we will be cursed if we enter the old house, there will be no problem if we destroy it. Still, due to its unique nature, I recommend that those who are a rank 3 or above venture in... Of course, you are free to do whatever you want. It's your choice."