Chapter 0208: Disappearance (Additional 3200, four more subscriptions requested!)

Nia City.

Commander Tony was looking sullenly at the 'Seven-Colored Bubble' not far away!

"Just 3 hours and 27 minutes ago, its color-changing speed increased... and after the Red-robed Archbishop of the church entered, there has been no news... Dunstan, what happened?"

"Mu'er seems to have his own plan..."

Dunstan had no intention of concealing anything from the church.

Tony seemed to mutter something under his breath, as if he were mouthing obscenities, but he didn't make a sound.

"So... is there any hope?"

He seemed to be struggling with all his strength.

"Of course..." Dunstan nodded, but his next words shattered the hope in Tony's eyes: "We can't rule out a miracle!"

Tony was silent for a while.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

Not only him, but also Dunstan, the [Arcanic Caster], and every soldier in the command post.

They were staring in the direction of Nia City, their mouths slowly gaping open and their faces filled with disbelief.