Chapter 0219: Visiting (Congrats to alliance leader AP Heavenly Speech! Asking for monthly votes)

Grammar University.

As the winter of the 279th year in the Federated calendar approaches, the temperature continues to drop.

Su Lu, wearing a white shirt and black jacket, waits near the school gate.

Looking at the broad plaza within the campus and the brightly lit classrooms, he cannot help but sigh.

'After university... my life path suddenly veers into an unkown maze...'

His good looks attract the attention of many female students, some of whom boldly approach him to ask for his name and contact information.

Su Lu declined each one, quietly waiting.


About twenty minutes later, four people walked towards him.

They were James, John, Elizabeth and Diana.

"Hello, thank you again for your help... Ah? Where is Isaac?"

Su Lu came this time to express his gratitude and repay the money, truth be told, Isaac had the best living conditions among the group of five and often took the initiative to cover the costs.