Chapter 0275: The Decapitated (Extra 7000 words, Fourth update begging for subscription)

Twilight of the Gods!

Transcendent low valley!

Low Magic World!

All of these are indeed one concept, representing a world that does not welcome transcendent powers, where ranking up and advancing becomes extremely difficult.

Moreover, not only does the use of various transcendent abilities require more consumption and have weaker effects, but even the lifespan of the immortal species will be terribly reduced!

For those who aspire to transcend, such a world is very horrifying!

Su Lu glanced at the attribute column, with a bitter smile on his face: "Although all attributes are weakened due to injury, they should recover."

"However…although the levels of skills and passives are still there, the effectiveness is greatly reduced. Compared to them, language abilities are least weakened, followed by auxiliary skills like potion making and creating magical items. The most severely weakened are active destructive attack skills…"