Chapter 0296: Infiltration (Three More Monthly Ticket Requests)

Darran School, stationed headquarters.

Outside the manor, there is a wall made of countless stumps and rocks with blood-sucking and thorny vines climbing up, forming a stable defense line.

"I... Silver Eye · Dom, I am finally home."

With a clean shaved head and peculiar tattoos, Silver Eye arrived at the entrance of the manor with complicated emotions showing in his eyes.

"Who goes there?"

At the main door of the manor, a trumpet flower bloomed and from it emerged an old voice.

"Teacher, it's me! I'm Home," Silver Eye's voice was deep.


The next moment, the door banged open and a green-robed old sorcerer came out to greet him. On seeing Silver Eye, who had drastically changed his appearance, he rubbed his eyes: "You... you are... Silver Eye?"

He could never have imagined that the previously meticulous student would willingly shave off his hair and beard, looking like a big bald-head.

"Yes, teacher! I'm sorry I did not meet your expectations before..."