Chapter 0322: The City's Fall (Requesting Subscriptions)

Dragon City.

At the original position of the city gate, a huge crater emerged, surrounded by charred ruins.

Broken bricks and wood splattered, interspersed with remains of human bodies.

This was a horrendously intense explosion scene.

The prestigious dragon doors of Dragon City had been blown into debris like this, and even the armed forces stationed above suffered massive casualties.


Gran's head was in a daze, accompanied by a severe ringing in his ears.

He looked up blankly, finally understanding what happened: 'Yes ... a wizard held the Duke's token, claiming he had a method to break Dragon City's defense!'

"What a... terrifying witchcraft!" Gran exclaimed.

Next to Gran, Rophis's silver fighting Qi flickered all over his body, forming a protective layer outside his steel armor, making him look the most leisurely of all: "I'm afraid it's not just witchcraft, but they have also set up something near the city gate... indeed, a feat only the Duke could achieve."