Chapter 0350 Slaying Dragon (Subscription Requested)

"The power of the [Wandering Mage] appears to be inherited from the [Odd Technician], depending on how many Seal Cards they've managed to 'accumulate', and how powerful the necromancy they've managed to seal is!"

"That's one aspect. The other aspect lies in their Void Physique, which allows them to traverse the Spirit World freely. Their mobility and exploration abilities are unmatched..."

While controlling the Evil Spirit Knight in battle, Su Lu explored the various abilities of the [Wandering Mage].

"In the world of Twilight of the Gods though, I'm responsible for bearing all the costs...That's fatal. In truly intense battles, it's literally mortally dangerous!"

He looks out into the distance.

He sees the Evil Spirit Knight swing its blade, spreading darkness as it envelops the Black Dragon.

In the dense darkness, streaks of dangerous auras crawl around, making one wonder what inimitable horrors are hiding within!