Chapter 0362 Acquisition (Subscription Requested)

"Su Lu Pottery?"

Orchi savored the name as if he wished to bite it to death.

"He...I'm going to report him, he is a shameless thief, he once stole confidential information from Green Tree Castle..."

A gleam in his eyes, he began to shout.

However, the only response he received were confused looks mixed with sympathy, as if looking at a fool.

"I'm sorry..."

The host flashed a bright white smile, revealing all eight of his teeth: "I am the spokesperson for Green Tree Castle in White Eagle City. I am here to confirm that Mr. Su Lu Pottery is an exceptional scientist and has not committed any harmful acts against Green Tree Castle. On the contrary, it is you, Mr. Orchi Francis, who has been insulting a researcher's reputation, and your countless inappropriate actions have led the joint council of Green Tree Castle to revoke your researcher's status..."


Orchi was nearly stupefied.

He could not understand how things had turned out this way.