Chapter 0364: Tribe (seeking monthly tickets with third update)


Paul's voice was tinged with a crying tone. At this moment, his expression was twisted, his inner world collapsing.


Yet, the werewolf didn't bother with any of that, setting its sights on the two within its attack range, and launched its attack without hesitation.

Its strong back legs thrust against the ground, propelling its body forward. Its sharp claws could tear through any living creature.

Moreover, its fangs and claws were imbued with a Dark Curse, capable of spreading plague and disease!


The werewolf's claws struck a shield made of bones, leaving deep grooves.

"Stay calm…"

Sean called out, "Big doggie, all of you guys' fur looks pretty much the same. It's normal to mistake a wolf… Don't be angry!"

Now, he was actually a Third-Rank [Necromancer].

He had risen from an Elite to an Expert Level in only about a year, which was a display of considerable talent.