Chapter 0392: Planning (Third update request for subscription)

Having become the 'Honorary Council' of Green Tree Castle and not wishing to get rid of this identity just yet, Su Lu was not in a position to just set off on a journey. He had to see Dunstan first.

In the laboratory.

Many busy hands, but he was sitting facing Dunstan, an automated system brought coffee and cup to their table.

"The Federation has again sent their thanks and reward, Su Lu. I couldn't believe you could even seal a Cursed Spirit!"

Dunstan's eyes were shining.

"It's only because the condition restrained it."

Su Lu said, "I'm planning to take a long vacation..."

Dunstan's face grew stiff immediately, "A...long vacation? Well, you deserve a good rest after your hard work. How long do you plan to rest?"

"I don't know!"


Dunstan was taken aback.

Nevertheless, Su Lu's joining the Green Tree Castle and the stipulations in the agreement he signed were quite flexible, requiring merely that they must not harm each other's interests. Dunstan would not pry too much.