Chapter 0409: Fifth Level (Extra 200, asking for monthly pass)

"Destruction Dragon, it stole our BOSS?"

Looking at the Destruction Dragon thrusting its claws into the body of the Nine-headed Bull Python, extracting a rock-sized heart and a crystal stone shining with a rainbow light.

Many of the players were dumbfounded.

They never imagined that the Destruction Dragon was not here to help, but to fight beasts.

Not only that, it also seized the most important loot - the fifth-order crystal core!

"Quick! Bring it down!"

"That's our crystal stone, it can't take it away."

The players surged forward in unison.


Su Lu took a deep breath, and after another sweep of dragon breath, he flapped his huge wings and flew straight up.

The current battle tactics of the players were set against the Nine-headed Bull Python, and there were not many flying troops that could stop him. They could only helplessly watch as he flew away.

"The appearance of a fifth level professional among the players is harmful to me..."