Chapter 0424: Action (Extra 1400, asking for monthly pass)

"In what manner should I consolidate my unique profession and enter the hall of divinities?"

If outsiders knew that Su Lu was contemplating this question, most would likely mock him as a lunatic.

However, Su Lu understood that for himself, the experience needed for the sixth level was nothing, the spare change in his experience pool could solve it.

His promotion to the sixth level was as good as guaranteed!

The only concern was the attitude of the Seven Major Orthodox Churches in the main world!

The Seven Major Orthodox Gods did not wish to see a new god rise, the churches had been keeping a close watch on all potential fifth levels, and had placed numerous obstacles on some professional paths.

He had detected all this long ago.

It wasn't like the divine were fools to wait until an occupational person reached the peak of the sixth level to intervene.