The Earthquake

It was darkness!

Endless, constant darkness!

Jian Sangyu was trying to lift her arm when Gu Chen's hoarse voice came from above her. "Don't move."

"My arm is under something and it hurts." Although the person above her didn't sound very friendly, Jian Sangyu couldn't help but to still continue twitching her arm. She managed to pull it out after several attempts.

"Bear with it."

That was Gu Chen's usual style. He never spoke in monologues and his speech always had a commanding tone.

Of course, in response to his words, Jian Sangyu also wanted to roll her eyes at him. But she managed to hold back the urge to do so.

Actually, Jian Sangyu was not injured anywhere else. She had been woken up by Gu Chen the moment the house started to shake. The moment the house fell, she was already well-protected in Gu Chen's arms.

At that moment, Jian Sangyu could clearly feel Gu Chen's broad shoulders that had kept her head protected. At that very moment in time, she still seemed to be able to hear the sound of his heart throbbing.

All of a sudden, Jian Sangyu felt some water dripping onto her head, so she slightly shook her head. That was when she felt another drop landing upon her lips. Jian Sangyun stuck out her tongue and licked it off of her lower lip.

It was salty and tasted metallic.

It was not water, but blood.

"Are you injured somewhere?" Jian Sangyu tried hard to catch a clear view of Gu Chen's face with her eyes wide open. But the light was so minuscule that she could see nothing.

"Just a little." Gu Chen answered.

His injury was not just a little. A concrete slab had hit the back of his head and a rotten nail had pierced into his skull. The pain he was in was beyond the definition of pain itself.

Jian Sangyu stayed silent for a few seconds. She didn't quite believe what Gu Chen said of being injured just a little, because she could feel that the blood dripping down was becoming more frequent, and the pool of blood on her lips was much larger than before.

"Gu Chen, you are agile and strong, when you felt the earth shaking, you could have just simply jumped out of the window and ran away. We were on the third floor and it should have been nothing for you, right?" Jian Sangyu asked confusedly, "Why did you want to take me with you?"

"Running away without my wife?" Gu Chen snorted. "I can't do that."

"But didn't you already see the divorce papers that I put in the drawer?" Jian Sangyu coughed lightly and tilted her head to avoid the blood that kept dripping down onto her face. "You should know that I will divorce you after we get back home."

"Yes I did see it, so what? Must I approve the proposal just because you want a divorce?" Gu Chen sneered with a cold and intimidating tone.

"But we have already…."

The sudden shaking of the earth interrupted Jian Sangyu, and the thundering sound echoed by her ears together with Gu Chen's muffled voice. Jian Sangyu became so frightened that she turned pale. She opened her mouth and spoke again, losing the tone she had been using a minute ago. Instead, she was now in a panic with terrified tears streaming down her face. "Gu Chen, are we dying?"

The aftershock was stirring up the ruins, and Jian Sangyu's arm that she had gotten free was again pressed down by the rocks. She almost passed out from the pain.

Gu Chen's heart skipped a beat as if something had struck hard against it. The pain that arose from his heart was stronger than that in any other part of his body.

He could hear her breathing getting heavier and heavier, heart beating faster and faster.

Then the world fell into silence, and life came to an end.