Back to the Jian Family

"Lady Sangyu is finally here. Ma'am and Lady have been out here and asked many times about you."

Jian Sangyu stepped out of the car and the first thing she did when she came outside the car was to lower her head to adjust her dress, making sure that it was not creased.

Gu Chen stepped out of the car from the back seat, and the moment he did that, he noticed Old Chen's surprised and shocked look as he caught sight of Jian Sangyu's dress. He was not impressed by how well Jian Sangyu was dressed. Instead, he looked more like he was hiding something.

"Chen, my sister looks extremely pretty today, doesn't she?" Jian Jialang was quite relaxed at being back in his own home. He threw a discreet look at Gu Chen and praised Jian Sangyu in front of his face.

"Master." Old Chen had been with the Jian Family for a long time, and he had witnessed the growth of Jian Sangyu and Jian Jialang. He knew that the siblings had been in a good relationship since they were young, so he was not quite surprised to see them coming home together.

But he was surprised again when he saw Gu Chen getting out of the car. "Mr. Gu is here too. Come in, Ma'am and Lord would be so happy to see Mr. Gu here."

"Let's go." Gu Chen walked towards Jian Sangyu, took hold of her hand and walked in without hesitating.

Many guests were already in the living room of the Jian Family villa. As Gu Chen walked in with Jian Sangyu's hand in his, everyone turned to look at them.

Gu Chen had never shown up at Mrs. Jian's birthday celebration before, and Jian Sangyu had always been the only one who came to visit her mother. So people thought that it would be the same this year.

Actually, people who knew the situation understood that Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen were not really in love with each other. Gu Chen spent most of his time in the team, and he barely saw his wife, who consequently, hardly saw him either. Usually, Jian Sangyu did not show up at the banquets of the Gu Family either.

But unexpectedly, things happened. Gu Chen and Jian Sangyu showed up at the banquet together.

What was more unexpected was, of course, Jian Sangyu herself.

Gu Chen was a guardian, thus he had acute senses. The moment he entered the house, he had felt that all the guests were sizing him and Jian Sangyu up. He couldn't hear what they were whispering about, about Jian Sangyu, but he could understand the twinkling, teasing expressions they were wearing.

A sense of Teasing, or a sense of watching a show.

"So, Sangyu is here?" Father Jian instantly dropped whatever he was doing and hurried over to them. He smiled instantly and walked up to the radiant couple standing at the gate.

"Father." Gu Chen addressed Father Jian in his usual tone of coldness.

But Father Jian didn't care about his tone. He was used to Gu Chen's personality and the fact that Gu Chen showed up today had already increased his reputation.

"Go and get Ma'am and Second Lady." Father Jian said to his servant standing next to him. "Tell them that Sangyu and Gu Chen are here."

Mother Jian was right beside them, so they both showed up within a second. Gu Chen only realized what those guests were craning their necks for when he caught sight of the red silhouette next to Mother Jian.

And only now did he realize why Jian Sangyu insisted on wearing that red gown for today's occasion.

Gu Chen was not sure if it had been a coincidence or something Jian Sangyu did on purpose, but what Jian Sangyu was wearing today was exactly the same as what Jian Jiayue was wearing!