About Life

Jian Sangyu, who did not seem willing to talk, spoke first. "Since you approve of my idea, then I will remake and sign the contract tomorrow and have it delivered to her."

If Gu Chen had not talked about the shared properties in front of Mother Jian, Jian Sangyu would not have been aware of this point. She returned the contract in her own room in the previous life and she had thought that it was just a matter of her own signature.

"I said these words to some outsiders, and you can do whatever you want with your own possessions." When Gu Chen addressed Mother Jian as an outsider, he had made her look very distant from him and his wife.

He did need to address Mother Jian as mother-in-law, but as a matter of fact, Mother Jian had been an outsider inside his heart all along.

It was not because he didn't take the Jian Family as someone important, but because he had taken how the Jian Family had treated Jian Sangyu and Jian Sangyu's attitude towards the Jian Family into consideration.

"Alright." Jian Sangyu answered with a low voice. Apparently, she was not very pleased.

She threw a sly glance at Gu Chen and she understood what he meant. He was never bothered to take up her personal possessions and she kept all that ought to be hers. He said whatever he had said in front of Mother Jian just to defend her.

Gu Chen was indeed kind, and Jian Sangyu had not lied when she flattered him.

He suddenly defended her so well that she even started to wonder if she was really going to divorce him still.

If she was divorcing him, she would be able to become the 16-year-old girl she used to be. She might not have Gu Chen or the Gu Family to back her up, and she might also need to become independent, but she would at least be able to laugh happily like she wanted, and cry when she was sad. She could also throw her temper tantrums whenever she was upset and indulge herself in anything throughout the rest of her life.

Jian Sangyu also understood that if she divorced Gu Chen she would have an even worse position in the Jian Family.

But Jian Sangyu had understood all of these things in her previous life. It would not be a problem at all.

She could leave them and the social circle that was so far-fetched for her alone. She could be the most ordinary Jian Sangyu in the crowd and live a plain life.

She might not be able to become super rich, but she would not be starved to death either. She had what her grandparents gave to her and she had a pair of hands.

She might not be that knowledgeable, but she could play the piano and she could be a piano teacher or join an orchestra. She could have a job that was paying enough to support herself.

"Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen suddenly called out her name when he found her steeped in silence. "Let's have a talk… about your life."

Jian Sangyu got pulled back by him unexpectedly and burst out without thinking much. "Talking about what? Divorce?"

When she said these words, she looked startled. But she also had an expression of being 'negotiable'.

The car tyres screeched as Gu Chen pulled the car over, making Jian Sangyu fall forward. Thanks to the seat-belt, nothing serious happened. She was just quite startled.

Gu Chen turned his head and he had a scarily dark expression on his face. "You want a divorce, Jian Sangyu?"

"You said that…" Jian Sangyu shrank her head. Gu Chen looked so horrifying with a sunken face and a pair of dark eyes as if he were going to swallow her down instantly that she only let out a small voice by the end of the sentence.

"I said, about your life." Gu Chen's voice sounded very chilly. She would not have taken his words as "divorce", if she had not been thinking about it.

"Why?" Gu Chen massaged his forehead. He had no idea what women were thinking about all this time.

Jian Sangyu would not dare to spill out the three reasons she said to him before she was reborn, no matter how much she was encouraged to do so.