Your Husband

Zhong Yanting smoothened herself out with difficulty and said, "Is he having an affair? Or is he abusing you?"

If it had not been because of the broken love relationship between them two, Zhong Yanting would not have thought of a reason why Jian Sangyu would want a divorce so easily. It seemed that only people who suffered from their husband's unfaithfulness and domestic violence would get a divorce so easily.

"No, no." Jian Sangyu shook her head and denied all. Honestly, Gu Chen would never do anything like this considering his conventional personality, even if he was reborn.

"Or is it because he is too ugly? Bad at sex? Or impotence?"

Now it was time for Zhong Yanting to be astonishing. Although Jian Sangyu and herself were both married, she had never shared anything like this to anyone.

Honestly speaking, Jian Sangyu thought that Gu Chen was not only never hideous, but also very good-looking. Gu Chen was a handsome guy, attractive and appealing. He was an absolute head-turner when he was walking on the street.

Gu Chen was not the femininely tender male that young girls sought after these days. Jian Sangyu had thought Gu Chen as someone very handsome the first time they met each other. And he had been a good-looking guy since he was little.

As for impotence?

Jian Sangyu really wanted to strike the table. Her husband was indeed muscular and long-lasting, yet his skills in bed were definitely terrible.

"Seeing that you are silent… so all is true then?" Zhong Yanting looked at Jian Sangyu with an expression of pity. Then she suddenly asked, "Who is your husband?"

Only now did Zhong Yanting get reminded that she should ask about Jian Sangyu's husband. The Jian Family was not a top family of nobility in the capital, but at least they are one of those families in the noble circles. According to the rule of "marriage of equal social ranks", Jian Sangyu's husband should have been in the same circles too.

Zhong Yanting felt that if they were all growing up in the same circle, she might know him too.

"You must know him, Sister Ting. His name is Gu Chen." Jian Sangyu had been worried that her silence would be a sign of agreeing with whatever she said, she explained, "He is fine, everything is fine with him. Nothing is wrong with him."

"Gu Chen? No, I don't know him." Zhong Yanting tried to find a face that matched the name inside her brain but failed to find the matching face. However directly afterwards, her expression changed suddenly.

"Hang on!" Zhong Yanting suddenly raised her hand and said, "You don't mean the Gu Chen from the Gu Family, do you?"

"Aha, yes, that is him." Jian Sangyu nodded. "I knew that you would know of him. We all met when we were little!"

Zhong Yanting knew Gu Chen, or we could say that Gu Chen was known to everyone in the entire capital as the grandson of Lord Gu.

Gu Chen graduated from the Guardian School of the Capital and then he entered the national Guardian Team. He was young and successful, and he had a strong and vast Gu Family supporting him behind his back. Everyone should know of him.

At the very beginning, Zhong Yanting had not matched the face to the name, because Jian Sangyu seemed quite a bit younger than Gu Chen from the Gu Family.

"We were engaged when we were little." Jian Sangyu looked at Zhong Yanting, blinking. "I married him directly after graduating from university."

Zhong Yanting nodded after a few seconds. "Then I understand you now, if that is the Gu Chen you are talking about."

Gu Chen's personality and temper was quite well known to everyone. He was not easygoing, and he was always conventional and silent. This was how he was like in other people's eyes.