Do Not Become Happy Too Early

But that was also a gamble.

Jian Sangyu was indeed born a star, with good-looks and high skills. As long as Jian Sangyu was not dull herself, it would not be that difficult for Zhong Yanting to make her a superstar with her own contacts and resources.

Making money was not the key point and being Gu Chen's wife would make everything so easy.

Also, Zhong Yanting could tell that Jian Sangyu truly wanted to be an actress, otherwise she would not have made Mina call her. Mina was her cousin after all, and she should take good care of the person she brought in.

Zhong Yanting understood what Jian Sangyu meant by not wanting to rely on the Gu Family. She could hide her marital status and her identity so as to enter the entertainment zone, and the Gu Family would not offer her any help either. "Well, well." Seeing Jian Sangyu staring at her waiting for an answer, Zhong Yanting didn't keep Jian Sangyu waiting for too long. She said, "There is a training class for new people that lasts for two months that's going to happen in a few days. You can attend the classes now. If the Gu Family are okay with what you are doing by the end of the training class, we can sign the contract."

Jian Sangyu was transfixed by her words for a few seconds, and when she realized what had just happened, she became so excited that she almost jumped up. "Got it, Sis Ting! Thank you so much, Sis Ting!"

"Don't become happy too early." Zhong Yanting didn't want to give a blow to Jian Sangyu's confidence because, as far as she could see, it was very unlikely that the Gu Family would approve of her wish.

Jian Sangyu left the Star River Entertainment building after knowing about the class schedule, and what Zhong Yanting was worried about turned out to be nothing in Jian Sangyu's eyes.

Jian Sangyu did show up at the right moment. The newly-opened training classes started in two days and Jian Sangyu told Mina about this good news. She also forbade her to tell Jiang Xing about this news.

Jiang Xing was someone who couldn't keep secrets. Being Gu Chen's man, Jiang Xing had to meet Gu Chen every single day and Jian Sangyu was worried that if Jiang Xing knew about this, he would definitely tell Gu Chen who would then massacre the whole plan himself once he got to know the truth.

If Gu Chen was on a mission to stop her from doing anything, he had many means to do so. Getting divorced was just a minor matter in this case, so whether Gu Chen knew about this matter was much related to whether or not she could finish the plan smoothly.

Jian Sangyu felt that since Gu Chen left this morning, he would not be home after three or five months based on his old schedule. By the time he returned, he might not have an idea about this matter and even if he did, she would have signed the contract. When that time came, she would keep on saying that it had been Gu Chen who had asked her to do whatever she wanted to do.

It was the noontime rush hour of when Jian Sangyu left Star River Entertainment, and as a consequence Jian Sangyu's car ended up being stuck in the traffic jam. So when Mother Jian called at that moment, Jian Sangyu was in a very strange mood.

Mother Jian called because she wanted Jian Sangyu to have lunch with them at home. Mother Jian understood that Gu Chen usually stayed at home for one night and she was aware of the fact that Gu Chen had definitely returned to his team by now.

"Jialang is at home too. You hurried off with Gu Chen the night before and we didn't have a proper get-together." Mother Jian sounded quite gentle. "Has Gu Chen returned to the team? You must be so bored having to eat at home alone. We are not living so far apart and you can just drive here."

Jian Sangyu agreed with the proposal. But after she hung up the phone, she was sneering.

The traffic didn't clear up until 12:30 and when Jian Sangyu arrived at the Jian Family home it was already past one. The lunch hour was already over.