Not in the Mood to Argue

Jian Jialang suddenly realized why Gu Chen took Jian Sangyu away the night before. He tossed his bowl and chopsticks onto the table.

"Mom, did Jian Jiayue talk you into getting the shares back from Sis and giving them to her?" Jian Jialang bellowed and called out her full name. "Jian Jiayue, can you stop being so shameless and greedy? Hasn't mom given you enough? Why are you stretching your hands to my sister! When you returned home, didn't mother already give you the rest of the shares? The shares you got from mother are more than those of mine and my sister! Are you not satisfied?"

"Jian Jialang!" Jian Jiayue sprang up and looked annoyed. She had been annoyed by Jian Sangyu's refusal and after she was scolded by Jian Jialang, she got even more annoyed. She was not a weak girl, after all!

"Stop yelling at me. I am not in the mood to argue with you." Jian Jialang was worried that he would lose his temper, smash things and yell at her in front of his mother. So he kicked away the chair and went upstairs, brought down this stuff and left after saying that he was heading back to school.

Seeing Jian Jialang's angry figure and Jian Jiayue crying in tears, Mother Jian felt her heart breaking.

"Don't cry, my heart aches so much. You know that Jialang has a fierce temper so don't take his words so seriously! You will be sick if you become overly annoyed." Mother Jian took her daughter into her arms and consoled her with a soft voice.

"Mom, I am the real daughter of the Jian Family, and I am your daughter, the real sister of Jian Jialang, but why is he treating me in this way? Look at Jian Sangyu! You have brought her up and found her such an excellent husband, what is wrong with me asking her for help? Mom, look at how Jian Sangyu behaved, and did you hear the way she talked to us?"

"Maybe she is in a bad mood. After all, when Gu Chen appeared the other day and said those things about the shares, he was not being especially nice either. Maybe she was blamed by him after she returned home. She ended up giving up the shares and that may have annoyed Gu Chen. She must be in a bad mood today, you know." Mother Jian defended Jian Sangyu subconsciously. "She never talked this way before, so just don't take her words to heart. Since she says that she is not a friend of Teacher Xiaole, why not find someone else for the interview?"

"Mom, I already told my colleagues that I know Teacher Xiaole personally and that I can do a feature story for Teacher Xiaole, how am I going to face my colleagues now?!" Jian Jiayue almost yelled at her mother.

How Jian Jiayue was going to solve the problem with her colleagues was unknown to Jian Sangyu. After she returned home, she asked Mina to rewrite a formal contract, signed it and got it delivered to Mother Jian.

Mother Jian didn't call her after she received the contract, which was quite normal for Jian Sangyu. After the training class from Star River Entertainment was opened, Jian Sangyu started to attend the classes.

Since Star River Entertainment provided an employee dormitory and the company was located very far away from home, the rush hours could not be avoided on the way there and back. So due to traffic jams, Jian Sangyu decided to pack up her things and move to the company dorm two days after the classes started.

Jian Sangyu was quite busy with school now. The classes she attended everyday took up the entire day, and she fell asleep straight away after showering when she came back to the dorm. Then early the next morning, she would wake up early again for another day's training.