Back Home Tonight

"That's right. She doesn't answer any calls. She doesn't reply to my messages either when I texted her a couple of days ago." Jiang Xing nodded. "That is why I am worried about her. You know pretty well what the Jian Family are like, especially Jian Jiayue who has many cunning ideas. Aunt Jian always favors Jian Jiayue and Jian Jiayue is always against Sangyu in every way. That is why I am worried about if anything has happened to Sangyu, like she is being bullied or something."

In Jiang Xing's eyes, Jian Sangyu was a person with a strong appearance yet weak inner heart. She was always strong in front of him yet in front of others, she was simply like a docile rabbit, so docile that she could be bullied by anyone.

Seeing that Gu Chen was silent for a while, Jiang Xing became quite anxious. "Bro, if you are not going back home to check it out, then please give me several days off. Tomorrow is Saturday and if you give me two days off, I will go and visit her. Honestly, I have not seen Jian Sangyu and Mina for ages."

Jiang Xing suddenly got very delighted when he was asking for the permission for some days off. He assumed that Jian Sangyu would be even more delighted to see him than to see Gu Chen.

"I will go home tonight." Gu Chen finally answered. Then, he started to finish up his food, carried the empty tray, washed it and walked out of the canteen.

After he left the canteen, Gu Chen thought for a few moments before finally pulling out his cell-phone and making a call to Jian Sangyu. Since Jiang Xing said that she was not being herself recently, then something must have been going on at the moment.

Although he was Jian Sangyu's husband, Gu Chen was very clear on the fact that Jiang Xiang, who grew up with her, had a better idea about her personality.

The call didn't go through, and Gu Chen frowned as his grip tightened around the cell-phone. Then he made another call.

Still again, the call didn't go through, so Gu Chen turned the cell-phone off.

As evening arrived, Gu Chen started to drive home without even sparing the time for dinner. He was so bothered by Jian Sangyu that he arrived at home around six, skipping all of the traffic jams.

It was already quite dim at six pm in September. As soon as he entered the compound, he found that when every other apartment was lit up from the lights inside, his own home turned out to be in darkness. He looked up at the apartment from the car downstairs.

Gu Chen was not sure if Jian Sangyu had purposefully refused to turn on the light or it was because no one was at home.

Gu Chen parked the car and hurried into the elevator. The moment he entered the room, he felt a sense of dimness attacking his face.

"Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen called out to her by her name as he was changing his shoes at the door. Gu Chen turned on the light of the living room without receiving any response.

Gu Chen had felt something was weird when he touched the switch. When the light was on, there was a layer of dust remaining in his palm. Yes, a layer of dust.

In the living room, the white table was covered with a layer of dust, let alone the floor.

There must have been at least more than one month since someone was ever inside the room.

Gu Chen swiftly took out of the cell-phone and made another call to Jian Sangyu. The call still didn't go through. Then he was reminded of the divorce proposal Jian Sangyu spoke about before, so he went to the bedroom and pulled out the wardrobe, only to see that her clothes and jewelry were still there.

Now, Jian Sangyu answered the call. Jian Sangyu answered with a small greeting. She sounded obviously tired.

"Where are you, Jian Sangyu?" Gu Chen answered with a cold voice.