Not Scary

Gu Chen suddenly tried to think about his decision of letting her work.

She had been jobless and bored at home before, but at least she had been in a good mood every time he returned.

And now, she had been working for more than one month and she had become so tired?

Was it because she was not used to the intensive work or because she was really working too hard?

In other words, Gu Chen's wife didn't need to work so hard to make ends meet. At the very beginning, he had just wanted her to have things to do to kill time. But it seemed that she had overworked herself.

The car had already pulled over at the gate of the restaurant, but the woman sitting next to him showed no sign of waking up.

Gu Chen thought that he should wake her up to eat the food. But seeing Jian Sangyu fast asleep, he hesitated on whether or not he should wake her up.

In the end, Gu Chen parked the car outside the restaurant and asked the waiter to keep an eye out for Jian Sangyu as he walked into the restaurant and ordered the food. When the dishes were all put on the table, Jian Sangyu still failed to show up. Without touching the food, Gu Chen asked the waitress to pack them up and called the cleaning lady to tidy up the bedroom first. Then he had the food in his hands, walked into the car and drove Jian Sangyu all the way back home.

Gu Chen had no idea how intensive the art work Jian Sangyu had been doing was, so that when he carried her all the way up to the bedroom, she was still fast asleep.

The two cleaning ladies in the living room were quite careful with their moves. The dishes on the table were still giving out a warm scent too. As Gu Chen was sitting on the sofa and watching the bedroom with the door shut, he didn't feel like eating anything at all.

The cleaning ladies finished the work at about ten and they left with their salary. At that time, Jian Sangyu was woken up by Gu Chen.

The girl had opened her eyes, but she still w the had the blanket over her face whilst mumbling something. She sounded as if she was a bit annoyed to have been woken up.

"Get up, Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen pulled over the blanket and called out.

"She is dead." Jian Sangyu answered with a muffled voice with her eyes closed again. The exposed feet were moved into the direction of the blanket.

Jian Sangyu had very pale skin, and as she had just woken up, two red patches were on her face, showcasing a very alluring image, like a shrimp without its shell.

That was the first time Gu Chen saw Jian Sangyu throwing a temper after being married to her for so long. Or rather, it was the first time Jian Sangyu didn't respond to his orders.

Gu Chen moved his gaze off of Jian Sangyu's feet and lowered his voice. "Eat some dinner and then sleep."

Jian Sangyu was awakened instantly. After a few seconds had passed, she sprang up from the bed and the first thing she did was to take up her cell-phone and check it. Then she was transfixed and looked up at Gu Chen. "Is it only ten at night?"

Jian Sangyu had thought that she had been late for class. It would be a very serious thing if she skipped classes or was late for school without asking for leave.

"Gu Chen." Jian Sangyu rolled her eyes. "Can I talk with you about one thing? Leave me alone and let me sleep to the morning, okay?"

With her stress put away, Jian Sangyu threw herself back into the bed, grabbed the blanket from Gu Chen's hand, tossed around and then continued to sleep whilst ignoring Gu Chen's sunken face.

Gu Chen with a sunken face was not scary!

Not at all!

She was not scared of him at all!

Jian Sangyu kept whispering this to herself inside her heart. She felt that the man standing next to her was staring at her, so she put her head into the blanket a little more.