Why Should I Give it to You?

Seeing her fingers pointing at some Mousse cakes rapidly with her wallet in hand and the other one holding the half-eaten…

Ice cream.

Gu Chen's face sank. Without saying a word, he stepped up and grabbed the half-eaten ice cream from Jian Sangyu's hand; he tossed it backwards so that the half-eaten ice cream landed in the dustbin in the corner, a perfect shot.

Jian Sangyu became confused within one second and stared at the dustbin dumbly for a very long time before turning her head to see the man who threw her ice cream into the dustbin.

She was not surprised to see Gu Chen standing there with a sunken face behind her. He was the only one who would dare to grab her beloved snacks and toss it into the dustbin right in front of her face.

Of course, Jian Sangyu knew pretty well that only Gu Chen was able to do such an over-the-top thing.

"I should have finished it a long time ago." Jian Sangyu let out a sigh of sadness as she turned around slowly. She had thought that it would take just a few more minutes before Gu Chen was able to pay for the shopping and that even if he finished paying, he might not have found her anyways.

She had thought that he would not come to look for her and that he would have assumed that she was going home alone. Unexpectedly, however, this guy came over to her at such high speed.

Jian Sangyu mumbled and Gu Chen heard everything. Pressing down his anger, Gu Chen thought that if it had been Jiang Xing who behaved in this way, he would have already been given a lesson at this point.

Seeing Jian Sangyu paying for the cake and picking up the imported snacks from the floor standing next to her, Gu Chen could not stand it any more. Instead, he said to Jian Sangyu.

"Give the wallet to me." Gu Chen stretched out his hands.

"I will not!" Jian Sangyu looked up and tried to fight against Gu Chen. "Why should I give my wallet to you?"

"Ice cream on your period day! Jian Sangyu, you are indeed doing a great job." Gu Chen gave no chance for Jian Sangyu to defend herself. Instead, he grabbed the wallet from her hands and stuffed it next to his own wallet. Then he walked out.

Jian Sangyu snorted behind Gu Chen. She was feeling quite pleased inside her heart – without the wallet, she could still pay with her phone! After all, they were living in a modern time!

Jian Sangyu was not pissed at all when she thought of the phone in her pocket. Then she followed up behind Gu Chen.

However, what Jian Sangyu had not expected was that as the couple walked out of the dessert store, a pair of aunts in their forties were speaking with a loud voice.

"It is becoming very modern these days. See? With my wallet at home, I can still pay with my phone." Aunt One said.

"That is true! Wechat, Alipay and the bank APP can pay for anything. My daughter taught me how to use it on her holiday home. I think that it is amazing! Our old times have passed, when we had to go back home to grab the wallet if we left it at home. At that time…"

Aunt Two started to complain about how inconvenient the traffic was when she was younger.

Jian Sangyu felt that this short conversation had made her hair stand on end.

It was not until she saw Gu Chen staring right at her in front did Jian Sangyu start to take off.

She reacted quickly, yet Gu Chen was even quicker. She had just stepped out of the door when Gu Chen grabbed ahold of her hood and pulled her back.