Won't Run away

As Jian Sangyu walked out of the villa and the air-conditioned room, she felt heat attacking her face the moment she set foot upon the floor of the yard. Jian Sangyu lost all of her courage of going out.

The General refused to leave, his stomach clinging to the floor. He groaned pitifully and looked at Jian Sangyu helplessly, hoping that Jian Sangyu could bring him back.

Gu Chen understood why General liked Jian Sangyu better than anyone else in the Gu Family. They two shared the same expression as if they were the same being.

"Gu Chen, can't we just walk the dog in the evening instead?" Jian Sangyu tried to hide herself behind the shade Gu Chen cast. She dangled her wrist that was held tightly by Gu Chen, trying to persuade him to change the time.

Jian Sangyu was confused. Gu Chen did not seem to be so fascinated by walking the dog before. Every time they visited the Gu Family, it was always she who brought General out to the compound for some fun whilst Gu Chen always hid in the study and read, refusing to speak to anyone throughout the entire day.

"No." Gu Chen sounded determined. He had realized that gripping Jian Sangyu's wrist might have hurt her somehow, so he loosened his grip and slipped his hand down so that he took her hand and started to walk outside the yard.

General gave up, and made himself be at the mercy of Gu Chen. He even refused to bark any more with paws over his head.

Jian Sangyu could tell that the General was in despair.

Jian Sangyu thought that the General must have seen the same expression upon her face as well.

Summer in the capital was simply a firepit. Someone once made an experiment on Weibo that the temperature was so high that even an egg could be fried on the road after fifteen minutes.

Jian Sangyu felt that she was the egg to be fried.

Jian Sangyu's hand in Gu Chen's was already sweating because of the heat. To be more precise, if she shook her hand, she might be able to irrigate the lawn. Gu Chen did have a lot of energy to hold her so tightly.

"Give me General's rope." Jian Sangyu stretched out the other hand to Gu Chen and pointed at the hand gripped by Gu Chen. "You can release it since we are out. Even if I run back, you will drag me out again. So I won't be bothered to go through that process once again, and don't worry, I will never run away."

Gu Chen lowered his look at Jian Sangyu's tender palm, passed the rope to Jian Sangyu when he thought of the General who pretended to be dead behind their back.

Gu Chen did not plan to release Jian Sangyu's hand. It was a hot day, but Gu Chen felt quite happy to take a walk with her hand in hand. Of course, it would make Gu Chen even happier if she could show him an expression of slight happiness.

But Jian Sangyu was fast. The moment she took over the rope, she pulled her hand out of Gu Chen's and rubbed it against her pants. She was also rolling her eyes, but Gu Chen did not see that.

"General, get up now." Jian Sangyu bent down to rub General's head.

General stood up with energy, like every other time when Jian Sangyu walked him. He barked three times into the direction of the home, meaning that he was asking Jian Sangyu to go home for the air-conditioner instead!