Upgraded From Stir-Fried Rabbit Meat to Spirit Pet

Muyan bandaged her wounds simply then got up with Xiaobao and looked around.

It was quite different from the cave earlier and it looked like an abandoned palace.

She thought it was abandoned because the palace was covered with dust everywhere; there were even a lot of cobwebs in the corners.

Tables, chairs, and stone benches had been turned over to the ground, and many wine glasses were smashed and were covered with cobwebs.

In different parts of the room lay several bodies that had turned into skeletons.

Judging from the way these skeletons were twisted and broken, you could imagine the pain these people suffered before they died.

Looking at this desolate palace, an unexplainable bleakness surged in Muyan's heart.

It made her feel as if she was watching a scene of the collapse of a great imperial dynasty.

But it was only for a moment then she threw it out of her mind.

If there was anything special about the palace, it was that the instruments were piled up everywhere.

Yes, all kinds of musical instruments.

There was a Chinese lute, zither, flute, bamboo flute, oboe, Sheng… All the instruments Muyan had ever seen could be found here.

But some of these instruments were worn out while others were shiny, and a few of them were even sending out an eerie, horrible, faint breath.

Muyan remembered what the gentle female voice said — Inheritance to God Musical Bureau.

She had never heard of any God Musical Bureau on Yanwu Continent, so perhaps it was a sect of the Musician class?

On Yanwu Continent, there were also Ancient Warriors who mainly cultivated as Musicians.

They poured Mystic aura into instruments and used the sound of the music to confuse people in battle. When they practiced to a certain extent, they could also use sound waves as a weapon.

Some Musicians could even soothe patients' minds with music and help patients recover more quickly.

But generally speaking, Musicians were only an auxiliary profession, and on Yanwu Continent, where strong warriors were in the majority, not many people cultivated as Musicians.

Muyan was thinking this when she saw Xiaobao running over while skipping with the snow-white rabbit.

"Mommy, here you are; this is for stir-fried rabbit meat." He handed over the fat rabbit obediently.

Muyan took the fat rabbit only to find that it was sleeping like a dead pig and didn't react when she grabbed it by the neck.

She asked curiously, "What happened to it? Was it hurt when it fell off the cliff?"

Xiaobao shook his head. "The rabbit swallowed an egg. Maybe it's sleeping."

After learning from Xiaobao what the rabbit did to Gong Qianxue and to the saint beast egg, Muyan was a little lost as to how to react.

In her previous life, Gong Qianxue pushed herself in the limelight after contracting with the saint beast.

Muyan thought there would be no way to destroy Gong Qianxue's plan in this life when she fell from the cliff to save Xiaobao.

But she didn't expect the saint beast egg was swallowed by this fat rabbit.

After waiting for a long time, she finally couldn't help but laugh aloud. "Hahahaha, silly rabbit. You're not all bad, aren't you? Fine, considering your great deed, I won't eat you."

As she spoke, Muyan held the fluffy, fat rabbit and rubbed it with her face, feeling the smooth and soft touch of its hairs.

Upon seeing this, Xiaobao couldn't help but tighten his face and grasp Muyan's legs to look up at her expectantly.

Muyan was amused by her cute son and lowered her head to kiss his cheeks softly then gave the fat, still-sleeping rabbit to him. "It'll be your spirit pet in the future. Be kind to it, all right?"