Be Determined To Win

Muyan looked at these frightened and panicked killers then glanced at those pitiful girls moaning and weeping on the ground. A faint, cold smile curled up at her mouth.

Whether it was in her previous life or this life, the behavior of these animals hadn't changed at all!

They were so fond of torturing others, fond of forcing others to experience the despair of being tortured to death.

She must help them achieve their aim today.

Muyan plucked the strings slowly with her crystal, slender fingertips. With horrifying screams and wails, waves of melodious music came out from the Tianmo Zither, which seemed to be enjoying the slaughter leisurely just like its owner.

Immersed in her murderous mood, Muyan didn't notice that there was a pair of hot eyes staring at her in the void, eyes rising with unprecedented desire and high aspirations for conquering.

He hated and was alienated from women all his life.

But at the first sight of this woman, his heartbeat began to speed up uncontrollably, and all his blood was boiling hot.

It was like this woman was born to be his.

And his originally empty, lonely life was suddenly filled with the presence of this woman.

Jun Muyan.

At first sight, it was like his heartbeat was speeding up and he gained the desire to possess her.

Now, when he was looking at the girl amidst the rain of pink petals, who was playing the zither and killing people with a fascinating faint smile, the fire and desire in his heart burned beyond control.

Even his cold, silent body began to shout crazily, wanting to possess this woman and wanting to hold her in his arms ruthlessly while he did whatever he wanted.

"Jun Muyan, you're doomed to be mine!" A hoarse, dark voice came out from the man's thin lips, and his black eyes grew deeper and deeper.

In a luxurious mansion, in the innermost part of Jinhong School.

Ge Changming sat back in his old-fashioned wooden armchair, holding the information he had just received. He frowned slightly.

"Vice Sect Master, what's wrong?" Hall Lord Ren, who was waiting on the side, couldn't help but ask as he saw Ge Changming's expression change.

Ge Changming frowned slightly and said, "We have lost contact with all the people we sent out to look for that Sky Level boy."

"What? How's that possible?" Hall Lord Ren exclaimed. "Even though the boy reached the Sky Level, he's no more than a four-or-five-year-old kid. We also sent Sky Level warriors and a few Earth-Level warriors in the peak stage!"

Ge Changming crumpled the sheet of paper irritably and asked, "How are the injuries of the owner?"

Nominally, Jinhong School's Sect Master was Ge Changming, but the real owner was Gong Qianxue.

All of Jinhong School's people, including Ge Changming, were under the control of Gong Qianxue through Mystic medicine.

Therefore, what Ge Changming and the others feared the most was failing missions and being punished severely by Gong Qianxue.

Hall Lord Ren shook his head with a glimmer of fear flashing across his eyes. "The owner has contracted with the saint beast egg, so she will be counter-attacked once the saint beast egg loses its vital signs. That's also why she was so anxious to find that little b*stard… But, news just came in that the counterattack has begun and hurt the owner badly. She's gone back to Heavenly Dao Sect for recuperation."

At the thought of the wrath and punishment they would endure if they couldn't find the kid when Gong Qianxue came back…

Both Ge Changming and Hall Lord Ren's faces turned pale.

Hall Lord Ren said with hope, "Perhaps she won't be that angry? After all, we've tried our best!"

"Heh, you think she won't be angry?" Ge Changming revealed a mocking smile.