
Jason's sincere smile was able to calm the lady in front of him, and she began to quieten down.

Of course, more of it should be due to the honorific title of "Your Lordship" the young constable mentioned in his salutation.

"You are?"

"Are you the replacement for Chief Bondy here?"

The lady looked Jason up and down. There was some distrust apparent in her eyes when she saw Jason's young face.

"Everyone is unique."

"Whether it's me, Bondy, or you, my lady. It's the same for us all."

"Which is why I can't replace Bondy."

Jason maintained his smile and deliberately spoke much slower. It was as if he were a hunter--a hunter who was worried about frightening his prey. So, as gradually as possible, he said, "But as I just said, I might be able to help you. Especially when you are dealing with a situation that ordinary people can't understand."