Time for Counter-attack

The early autumn sun has risen high.

The sun shone on the city, and the cool air from the night dissipated quickly. The temperature was starting to rise rapidly. Many workers outside had chosen shirtless tops to counter the heat, while the gentlemen merely unbuttoned their coats for the sake of their image. However, they still chose to travel within places that were as cool as possible, or they would simply travel in a carriage while opening the window.

In the police station, there was no exception to such high temperatures. Except for… the interrogation room.

Tik's wife had always felt cold air surrounding her.


A chill from the bottom of her heart made her curl up even more and shiver uncontrollably.

The flames of the oil lamp that was on the table began to flicker.

It was as if it were being controlled by an invisible palm.

Tik's wife was afraid to look at it.

She was afraid to see things that should not be seen.