
At his command.

The muzzles of two bronze cannons went ablaze with flickering firelight.

Boom! Boom!

Two bombs were blasted and bombarded straight into the Moon Mask Club.

Suddenly, the earth shook.

The shockwaves produced as a result of the bombardment of bombs made the entire earth tremble.


The Moon Mask Club, that was hit directly, was not the least damaged at all.

Not only was the entire building free of any damage, but even Kurtz and Kalina, who were standing at the entrance of the club, did not show any change. The two of them were still smiling and standing in the posture of a welcoming gesture.

Inside the club, it was still a scene of bright lights and melodious music. The laughter of joy and chatter of conversation from the dancing people were all the more apparent.

Everything was the same as before.

It seemed just like nothing had changed at all.