I, Jason, Have the Perfect Technique for Making Money

Garden Pea Street, located in the south of Rhode City, was a small marketplace.

Unlike the shops that lined the length of Kensing street, the majority of the shops here were mobile vendors.

And, compared to the wide Kensing Street, Garden Pea Street was much narrower. It was very difficult for carriages to pass through here normally.

So Jason jumped out of the carriage at the street entrance of Garden Pea Street.

"Jason, be careful."

Bondy whispered.

"All right."

Jason nodded in response. Then he closed the door behind him and to Finch, who was serving as a coachman driving the carriage, he bade, "Be mindful of safety on the road."

"Understood, My Lordship, Jason."

The young man assured.



Finch jogged the reins, and the carriage soon disappeared into the night.

Jason stood rooted to the ground and watched the carriage disappear before he looked toward Garden Pea Street.