Chapter 74 Advanced Information

Duke lowered his head, incredulously staring at the protruding blade tip.

The official "Mystical Side person" with a double identity, Zhang, opened his mouth wide, wanting to call out to his "secret pet," but a large hand covered his mouth. Not only did it block the cry that was about to escape, but it also pulled him back into the carriage.

His vision began to blur.

But Duke still vaguely saw the 'Night Watcher' he thought he'd successfully deceived, pulling a box from under the seat.

That was...

A bomb?!

As the box opened, Duke's life came to an end.

In his final moment, Duke's heart was filled with endless questions.

Eventually, it became just one.

Why was there a box of bombs in the carriage?

In fact, there wasn't just one box of bombs in the carriage.

But... three boxes!

Ever since using up all the K2 grenades, Jason, who suffered from a severe lack of firepower, became restless.