Chapter 77 Life is about running...


The flesh buds growing out of Taniel's face twitched unconsciously.

However, when Jason looked at Taniel, those flesh buds instantly became sharp and straight, shooting out like arrows loosed from a bow.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The densely packed flesh buds came at Jason's face, but he reacted in an instant, stepping out with his right foot.

Not only did he dodge the flesh buds, but the back of the wide-bladed, short-handled machete in his hand struck Taniel's neck.


A crisp sound rang out.

Taniel's eyes rolled back, and he collapsed straight to the ground.

The flesh buds that hit the ground writhed rapidly, resembling hordes of maggots.

Then, with a speed visible to the naked eye, they all withered away.

Yet, Taniel, who should have been unconscious on the ground, staggered to his feet.

With one hand, he pulled at his chin, and with the other, he tugged at his own tongue.

Then, he exerted force with both hands.