Chapter 3 Hitchhiking

The pleasant chartered carriage journey ended after twenty-five minutes.

"Sir, you've arrived at your destination,"

With the coachman's words, Jason took his luggage and stepped out of the carriage.

On the side of the road stood 'Delin Carriage Company', with a towering signpost. At the top of the sign was a wooden carving of a horse's head, while the bottom was adorned with a hanging carriage wheel.

Two horseless carriages were parked at the entrance.

"Hey, Jason."

"Kraul told me you're planning a long journey?"

After Jason pushed the door open and walked in, a man who appeared to be the steward came over.

He was dressed in a black vest, a white shirt, trousers, leather shoes, and his hair was somewhat thin. His face bore a resemblance to the old man who had handed out business cards inside the apartment.

"So, I guess I don't need to pass along old Delin's business card to you?"

Jason asked in return.

This made the middle-aged man Delin laugh heartily.

"Of course not."