Only to see, one side of the skyscraper rapidly tilted and fell.
It crashed against another skyscraper.
Instantly, another earth-shattering hammering sound erupted.
At this moment, the world seemed to fall silent.
As if frozen in time.
Only when the screams and wails emerged did such stillness break.
It was like the apocalypse.
The panicked crowd scattered in all directions.
No one paid attention to the people around them.
This had become the only thought in the minds of the people here.
They failed to notice a woman in a bright red dress carrying a black folding fan, wearing a black veil, her steps unhurried as she approached a car that was still intact.
They didn't see the seemingly graceful lady lift her fan and slit the throat of the car owner, toss the body out casually, sit in the driver's seat, and drive away.