I Wanna Bear You Children (1)

"Shut up! I'll carry you!" Li Yanmo's brows furrowed. Clamping his hand over her mouth, he carried her out of the toy car. He was worried that someone else would hear her bold words.

A three-year-old, milk-drinking toddler, shouting that she would bear him children… that's insane.

"Tiantian, you know how to give birth?" This was overheard by Li Yanmo's mother, who grinned cheekily and came over with her camera, ready to tease the children.

"Yes, I do!" Ning Tiantian nodded furiously with her eyes wide open.

"Oh? How do you do that?" Mama Li was curious as to what the three-year-old toddler could possibly say.

Displeased, a scowl formed on Li Yanmo's face. He was about to cover her mouth again, but before he could do so, she screamed excitedly.

"I can do so by kissing Inky!" Ning Tiantian tilted her head and placed her chubby arm around Li Yanmo's neck. She puckered up, preparing to place her rosebud lips on his thin ones.

Mama Li's eyes widened at the sight of this, and she immediately took out her camera. As a professional photographer, her camera was just as essential as her lipstick and handbag; she was ever ready to capture beautiful sights with it.

Quick, just a little closer, they were about to kiss… and she was on the verge of pressing the shutter, but…

Li Yanmo suddenly bent down and promptly retrieved the milk bottle left behind in the toy car. As quick as lightning, he pushed the teat into Ning Tiantian's mouth. "Be good. Drink more, talk less."

"Mm…" Ning Tiantian sucked her milk bottle, slowly blinking twice and drinking her warm milk obediently. For a moment, she was preoccupied with something other than kissing Li Yanmo.

Seeing that her son was so oblivious, Mama Li pursed her lips, saying, "Kid, you really ought to be grateful that Mommy planned ahead and found you a wife. Otherwise, who would fancy a boring guy like you?"

"Is that so?" asked Li Yanmo. Motioning toward the little kiddo in his embrace, he then said, "But isn't there a little girl right here who likes me a lot?"

"You have me to thank for it!" said Mama Li.

"That's right. Tiantian really likes Inky!" At the mention of her favorite person, she tossed her milk bottle away in enthusiasm. Currently, in his embrace, it was easy for her to place her arm around his neck, and to talk to him face to face. She immediately planted a kiss on his thin cheek, making a loud pop, as if she were stamping a seal on him.

Mama Li gave Tiantian a thumbs up for taking advantage of the situation like that.

Stunned, Li Yanmo froze in the glare of the summer sun.

The little girl was still smacking her lips at him!

This was his first kiss!

It was stolen by a toddler toting a milk bottle!

Li Yanmo's expression darkened. Acting as if he couldn't care less, he pushed her to his mom and ran out of there.

Mama Li was doubled over in laughter. This rascal had always been cold toward everyone. She couldn't believe that someone as tsundere as him had lost without a fight!

"Inky is shy!" said Ning Tiantian, as she glanced at his red face. She started chortling, without giving any consideration to Li Yanmo's current state.

As he hightailed it out of there, Li Yanmo's heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of his chest. Leaning against an old tree, he shut his eyes and sharply inhaled.

Maybe Tiantian's carrying his child, now that they have kissed…

If that were really the case, he would definitely take responsibility like a real man! And the three of them would go to school together!