I Wanna Bear You Children (3)

Clenching his teeth, Li Yanmo carried her through the hordes of people and headed out of the mall.

"Inky…" Teary-eyed, Ning Tiantian blinked at the boy who ran himself into a frenzy because of her. Suddenly, her tummy didn't seem to hurt as much as before.

"Does it still hurt?" Thinking that the pain was getting to her again, Li Yanmo quickened his pace. His entire back was covered in sweat, and it was extremely uncomfortable for his shirt to stick to his back like that.

But he couldn't care less about that right now. He only wished he had a few extra pairs of legs so that he could arrive at the hospital with Ning Tiantian immediately.

"Inky… it doesn't hurt anymore."

Li Yanmo did not wait for her to finish speaking. "Stop talking. We'll be there very soon."

Having been interrupted twice in a row, Ning Tiantian was no doubt anxious, especially since the boy was having difficulty catching his breath. His beads of perspiration had even dropped onto her hand. She felt sorry for Inky.

"Inky, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

She finally managed to complete a sentence without being interrupted.

Li Yanmo froze on the spot. After three seconds of silence, he then asked cautiously, "Does it really not hurt anymore?"

"Really! It doesn't hurt anymore!" Ning Tiantian nodded furiously and struggled to get out of his arms. "Let me down, Inky! You're sweating all over."

Li Yanmo did not respond.

"Why aren't you letting me down, Inky?"

Li Yanmo was extremely nervous about this entire situation.

Perspiration glistening in the sunlight and brows furrowed, the boy stared at the little girl's tummy.

After a long time, Li Yanmo said awkwardly in a husky voice, "Tiantian, could you be pregnant? Is that why your tummy hurt?"

"Pregnant? What are you talking about, Inky?" Ning Tiantian got a fright from his words, apparently having forgotten how she had sneaked a kiss from him the day before. "How could I be pregnant? Ermm… no… I remember kissing you. Oh no! Am I really carrying your child?"

Although she had a habit of claiming that she wanted to bear his children, now that the day was actually here, she didn't know whether to be frightened or pleasantly surprised. In fact, for some reason, she was feeling a little unhappy.

"Sorry." It was his fault for not having stopped Ning Tiantian from kissing him in time.

"There's no need to apologize, Inky." Ning Tiantian pouted. She was no longer feeling unhappy or in shock. Instead, her eyes twinkled as she planted a kiss on Li Yanmo's cheek, and murmured in his ear, "After we have a kid, all three of us would be able to go to school together."

"…Mm." That's what he thought as well.

"But I've seen on TV that pregnant ladies need to get a prenatal examination at the hospital. Should we do the same?" Ning Tiantian bit on her lower lip as she furrowed her brows.

"I guess so." Li Yanmo answered uncertainly with a frown. He remembered that when Tiantian's mother was pregnant with Tiantian, she would get monthly checks at the hospital, so as to ensure that both mother and child were healthy.

"Then let's go, Inky!" Ning Tiantian smiled sweetly, revealing two adorable dimples.

Li Yanmo's chauffeur had been waiting outside all along. Upon seeing the two of them, he promptly opened the car door for them. He then heard Li Yanmo saying faintly, "To the hospital."