You're Mine, Shengge

With great difficulty, Ye Shengge finally avoided being chased by the socialites and heaved a sigh of relief.

The dinner was still going on, and everyone was drinking, discussing business and flirting. Perhaps it was because of Ji Shiting and Qiao Yanze but the pheromones were making Ye Shengge's face burn.

She slapped her face hard to sober herself up.

She needed to talk to Ji Shiting about work later, so she couldn't let anything go wrong. She immediately thought about it.

At that moment, a graceful figure walked over.

Ye Shengge thought the woman was here to ask Ji Shiting about something, and she was about to leave when she heard the woman say to her, "Miss Ye."

Huh? She actually knew her…

Ye Shengge stopped in her tracks, looked at her and said, "You are…"