It's Not A Waste to Change

Ji Shiting stared at her intensely and carried her to the bed.

Ye Shengge was still holding her and staring hard.

"We'll talk about it when the time comes." The man pinched her face. "Don't come back tomorrow night. Just focus on your shoot. Call me if you need anything."

Although Ye Shengge didn't want to give up, the man's deep voice still warmed her heart.

"Okay," she answered.

If he could give in once, he could give in a second time.

She needed to study the strategy that Shang Tianyi had given her. She needed to sleep with him the next time she returned.

The next day, Ye Shengge rushed to the set early in the morning. Fortunately, she wasn't late.

The team started to work smoothly under Xu Xiangjie's arrangement, and they basically had one scene in the morning.