Why Did He Choose Xie Siqi?

The beautiful woman didn't seem to mind his indifference. She was still smiling and waving at the other guests.

The moment she turned around, Ye Shengge could see her face clearly.

It was… Xie Siqi?

Why was it Xie Siqi?

Ye Shengge almost jumped out of her chair.

She knew that it was normal for people of high society to attend a wedding banquet with their partners. Ye Shengge didn't mind at all that he didn't bring her along. After all, it was the Xiao family's wedding. Perhaps that man had chosen another woman to avoid her meeting with Xiao Ruilang.

However, it had to be Xie Siqi. He knew that woman had other intentions for him!

Couldn't he have chosen an older woman, such as one of the higher-ups in T.S. Corporation? Ye Shengge believed that he had many choices, and it didn't matter who it was. Why did it have to be Xie Siqi of all people?