Shi Sheng

Ji Shiting stopped in his tracks and curled his lips.

He wasn't the only one who heard it. Sun Ye and the two bodyguards beside him also heard it.

Sun Ye's lips twitched, not knowing whether he should praise his wife or light a candle.

In the office, Mu Yanhuai was dazed for a bit before he realized what 'living well' meant.

He felt as if he had been punched. Perhaps it was because he was furious and jealous, but he couldn't even control the muscles on his face.

"You… slut!" He walked toward her with bloodshot eyes.

Ye Shengge was shocked. Shang Tianyi walked over and saw what was happening. He dragged Ye Shengge behind him and pointed at Mu Yanhuai. "What are you doing? Get lost!"

The other employees stood up as well, waiting for Shang Tianyi to throw him out.

Mu Yanhuai had to suppress his anger. "Good, very good. Listen, Ye Shengge. You'll come back and beg me one day!"