Shocking Charm

Chen Anzhi was a director who could balance business and artistic pursuits, so in his movies, viewers could see thought-provoking instances of human nature as well as rich and exciting scenes.

It was the same for his new movie. The genre of the story was suspense, but it also discussed the mutation of people in modern society, and the plot and theme complemented each other.

"An Ran, whom you're playing, is a woman who's been forced into a corner by pressure. She's willing to take risks and commit crimes. It looks like she's heartless, but she still has a conscience," Chen Anzhi said as he put the script on the coffee table. "This is a very complicated character. It's a huge challenge for any actress."

Ye Shengge was already attracted to the story. She took out her hand, and this time, the man didn't stop her. He picked up the script and flipped to a certain page, mumbling.

"Can I try a portion?" She looked at Chen Anzhi.