Never Been So Clear-headed

Ye Shengge was shocked!

She looked at the man's cold face and dark eyes and couldn't help tearing up, but she had never felt so sober before.

"Ji Shiting." She took a deep breath and stroked the man's chin. "I don't want you to argue with Grandpa because of me. He's your only family. If you really hurt Grandpa's health…"

"Don't worry." The man grabbed her hand and said. "Your mission is to rest well. Leave the rest to me."

Ye Shengge felt the warmth of the man's palm and stopped talking. She buried her face in his chest and let her tears soak his clothes.

"Did Xiao Ruilang do anything to you?" Ji Shiting suddenly asked.

Ye Shengge stopped crying and smiled at him. "No. I hurt him instead."

Ji Shiting looked at her in surprise, then his pupils contracted as he realized something.

"He must've brought it upon himself," the man said firmly. "You don't have to blame yourself."