Who Are You Getting Married to?

T.S. Corporation.

Ji Shiting walked out of the elevator and walked to his office.

He seemed to be pondering, so he didn't notice his surroundings until a figure rushed up and blocked his way.

"Shiting?" The woman sounded surprised and gentle.

Ji Shiting frowned and looked over.

"Why are you here?" He sounded impatient.

The impatience in the man's voice pierced Xie Siqi's heart.

"Mom asked me to come." Although her heart ached, she still smiled gently. "Mom made a dessert for you."

Ji Shiting looked at the dessert she was holding and smiled.

For some reason, Xu Shaoqing had become addicted to cooking recently. She would either deliver soup or desserts, and Xie Siqi was always the one running errands.

"Sun Ye," the man said.

Sun Ye stepped forward and smiled, "Leave it to me, Ms. Xie."